Wednesday 29 August 2007

Cold August

Hi Everyone, August has been different for me. A rest from Healing rooms, Lydia intercession, tuesday group, worship dance, swimming, or praying with a friend as we've both been away. So I have managed to read some books. I keep buying books and intend to read them. I have been having a rest and spending time with the Lord, praying and fasting. Also I have painted my gate and fence and my utility room and decluttering a bit more. Also tending my garden which has been very colourful. Last year my water butt was empty at this time but now it is full still. I defrosted my freezer then last week found that the seal had gone. These things take time to sort out and get done.So I'm having a freezer delivered on friday It is steel colour which is easier to keep clean. This will keep me in because they could come anytime. Also saturday I decided to buy a new mattress because my mattress is sagging and it is bad for the back. I got £130 discount due to bank holiday discount.
I went to Colin Urquhart faith camp for 2 nights which is 3 days teaching which was very enriching. I took a friend we stayed in a farmhouse ,5 minutes from the showground and such a lovely view no houses in sight. Bought more books. I bought a book on CD which is a very good idea because I listen to it in the car. My niece got married in Mauritius, my sister sent me photos via email. Today I got an email from my niece she lives in France. I was so involved with Betty visited her in hospital for 3 weeks taking her sister and cousin along sometimes. Also involved in all the preperations. It all went very well. My neighbour came then we talked about it over the fence, she brought up life after death which she doesn't believe so I got her a little book about it and pray the Lord would speak to her about it. Now I have been helping Betty's sister go through her things which has been hard. I took loads to the charity shop and church for the table top sale for missions and other friends.Then the solicitors will clear the flat before selling it. I have been taking her sister and cousin out. On sunday I took them out for lunch and we went to Southend for a ride and an icecream. I don't eat icecream healthy eating. I also went to visit a friend in Hampshire for a week end. I went to a lovely birthday party, a friend I met at the opera I was in. They had a string quartet which was exquisite. I took a friend to Barnes church in Great Tottam for a coffee, lovely ride and then we went to Perrywooods for lunch and had a look round.
I took my friend Donna for lunch in Mulberry house, delicious food equalling the price too but it was a sunny day, we had a lovely walk in the ground and sat in the summer house for a while. I did go to a prayer meeting for persecuted churches with churches together, powerful time. I took my neighbour out for lunch to a garden centre. friendship evangelism. I went to a celebration for churches together it was very reflective and lots of life changing testimonies. Yesterday I had a quote for new carpets that is badly needed. Yesterday I took my friend Donna to Mill race garden centre for lunch and look at silk flowers and unusual rather expensive gifts and lots of fish in the aquariums, all shapes, sizes and colours even deep blue ones, red shrimps with white dots. Then we watch the second episode of Lorna Doone on DVD, I just can't watch the battle bits. We watch the first episode another time when she was here. I have been to Lorna Doone valley when I was on holiday in Devon.
A THOUGHT: Seven Principles exhibiting total forgiveness: 1. Do not let anybody know what someone said about you or did to you. 2. Do not allow anybody to be afraid of you or intimidated by you. 3. We would want them to forgive themselves and not feel guilty. 4. We will let them save face. 5. We will protect them from their greatest fear. 6. It is a lifelong commitment. 'I agree with that and seek to choose to daily forgive'. 7. Praying for them to be blessed. Mahatma Ghandi appealed to one's sense of valour and heroism when He said ' the weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong'.